January 2022. Electrotherapy in animal rehabilitation. What to use when an evidenced based deep dive into Laser therapy, NMES and TENS, Therapeutic Ultrasound and shockwave therapy

Guest Speaker - Professor Tim Watson will be presenting 3 webinars to talk you through the use, specific settings and the evidence behind each modality

You will also have access to All of these downloadable resources NMES and TENS Therapist workbook which walks you through the use of both modalities including settings and how to use. A guide to shockwave and therapeutic ultrasound fact sheet for therapists to use in practice. The webinar slides to keep and recap. NMES and TENS pet parents leaflet to adapt and use in practice. Laser contraindications and precautions checklist. All of these Mini how to video trainings How to set up and use the NMES How to set up and use the TENS How to set up and use a therapeutic ultrasound Product review and discounts From our sponsor Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

February 2022. The rehabilitation therapists management of the degenerative myenopathy patient - A look at the new evidence base and how to implement this into practice

Guest Speaker - Sarah Mackeigan Upward Dogg Rehab will be presenting 3 webinars discussing the management of these complex cases and will look specifically at new and emerging research

What else do I get access to? All of these downloadable resources Degenerative Myelopathy pet parent fact sheet for use in your clinic. A guide to measuring for wheels, mobility harness and leg splints from Wheels4dogs.co.uk The webinar slides to keep and recap Laser contraindications and precautions checklist. All of these Mini how to video trainings Fitting of the sciatic sling splint and Neuro testing of the canine limbs including reflex testing and proprioception special tests. Product review and discounts From our sponsor showcasing their products and equipment Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

March 2022. Taping - When, How and What's the evidence?

Guest Speaker - Jo Rose of Rose Holistic Therapies will be presenting 3 webinars discussing and demonstrating taping for use in canine practice.

What else do I get access to? All of these downloadable resources The rehab therapists guide to taping in small animal practice. The webinar slides to keep and recap. Current research articles therapeutic taping. Taping - A pet parents fact sheet. All of these Mini how to video trainings How to tape the back. How to tape the shoulder. Taping for lymphatic drainage. Product review and discounts From our sponsor showcasing their products and equipment. Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

April 2022. Updates in OA management in small animal practice. what we need to know to improve practice.

Guest Speaker - Dr Hannah Capon from CAM!! Hannah will present 3 webinars delving deeper into the managment of the OA patient, discussing new and emerging therapies as well as a look at the team approach to OA care

What else do I get access to? All of these downloadable resources OA diagnosis pet parent fact sheet for use in your clinic. A therapists guide to home and environment adaptations - what to advise and whats out there? The webinar slides to keep and recap Simple exercises for keeping the core strong All of these Mini how to video trainings Simple core exercises for canine patients The importance of functional exercises Product review and discounts Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

May 2022. Business growth and goal setting in the rehabilitation sector. How to plan, grow and succeed

Guset Speaker - Fliss Parris Chartered and Veterinary Physiotherapist ACPAT will present 3 webinars on business growth and diversity in veterinary rehabilitation, recognising your business strength and weaknesses and how to build on these

What else do I get access to? All of these downloadable resources Your 5year plan and how to get there a workbook for animal therapists. Diversification for small animal therapists - a how to guide. The webinar slides to keep and recap Finding your USP checklist. Privacy policy template to adapt and use in your business All of these Mini how to video trainings Finding your USP - how to stand out from the crowd. How to use Canva to create marketing material for social media and beyond. Product review and discounts From our sponsor showcasing their products and equipment Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

June 2022. Where's my paws? - Puppy proprioception and balance what to teach your younger patients

Guest Speaker - Alex Collins, Canine Exercise Rehabilitation Therapist at Flexidog Therapy & Training Workshops and Conditioning Your Canine - the therapist’s rehab & fitness exercise platform, will present 3 webinars looking at the components of a puppy approprite exercise programme, Do’s & Donts’s, Why & How to for our puppy patients to support balance, proprioception and reduce the risk of injury and spot early signs of dysfunction. A bonus talk ‘All About Nails’

What else do I get access to? All of these downloadable resources Good form - A pet parents guide. The webinar slides to keep and recap Puppy proprioception exercises - where to start a guide for therapists. The issue with long nails - webinar slides All of these Mini how to video trainings Using CYC as an exercise prescription platform in your clinic. How to teach good form and simple progression exercises to start building the foundations of a strong frame Product review and discounts From our sponsor showcasing their products and equipment Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

July 2022. The Rehabilitation therapists approach to pain. Managing clients with acute and chronic pain

Guest Speaker. Darryl Millis DVM, DACVS, CCRP, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. Darryl will be delivering 3 webinars on the rehab therapists approach to managing the acute and chronic pain patient

You will also have access to All of these downloadable resources Managing pain A Therapist workbook which walks you through some specific pain modalities which we can utilize to support chronic pain clients. A guide to pain scoring - what do the numbers mean? The webinar slides to keep and recap. Recap on the pain gait theory for therapists. How do I know my pets in pain? a patient fact sheet All of these Mini how to video trainings Using pain scores in practice Product reviews and discounts Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

August 2022. The rehabilitation and management of the tripawd. How do we support our amputee patients?

Guest Speaker - Kim Sheader ACPAT CAT A Veterinary Physiotherapist. Kim is the head of rehabilitation at The Ralph a specialist referral hospital. Kim will be delivering 3 webinars on the specialist approach to the rehab of our 3 amputee clients!

You will also have access to All of these downloadable resources Rehab protocol for the hindlimb amputee - a therapists guide. Rehab protocol for the forelimb amputee - a therapists guide. Harnesses for the tripawd - what to consider when fitting. The webinar slides to keep and recap. All of these Mini how to video trainings Gait differences in the amputee - what to look for in compensatory movements and what to treat. Product review and discounts Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

September 2022. Cupping as a treatment method. Is it right for my patient? - the technique, the research and best practice. Guest speaker - Michael Yeo Canine Myotherapist and Canine Bowen Therapist will deliver 3 webinars informing us of this fascinating treatment method as well as the new research behind its use

What else do I get access to? All of these downloadable resources The rehab therapists guide to cupping. The webinar slides to keep and recap. Fascinating fascia pre recorded lecture Cupping - A pet parents fact sheet. Product review and discounts From our sponsor showcasing their products and equipment. Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

October 2022. The use of orthotics in small animal rehabilitation. Guest speaker Diane Messum ACPAT Veterinary Physiotherapist and rehabilitation clinical lead at Davis specialist vets will deliver 2 webinars discussing how we decide if our patients would benefit from the use of orthotics and which ones to choose!

What else do I get access to? All of these downloadable resources The rehab therapists guide to measuring and fitting of stifle braces. The webinar slides to keep and recap. Pet parents fact sheet on the use of soft carpal splints. The therapists guide to measuring and fitting of carpal splints. All of these Mini how to video trainings How to fit the Balto cranial cruciate splint. How to fit a soft carpal splint. Product review and discounts From our sponsor showcasing their products and equipment. Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

November 2022. Sprains, strains and tears - managing sporting dog injuries. Guest Speaker Rebeccah Baylis IAAT Veterinary physiotherapist will deliver 3 webinars looking at the pathology and rehabilitation techniques to support dogs back to competition following injury.

What else do I get access to? All of these downloadable resources The rehab therapists guide to managing acute sporting injuries. What to do when your first on the scene. The webinar slides to keep and recap. To ice or not to ice - a fact sheet about the use of ice for acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries. Its time to REST- A pet parents fact sheet. All of these Mini how to video trainings How to assess for MSI injury. How to assess the psoas. Product review and discounts From our sponsor showcasing their products and equipment. Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

December 2022. The use of acupuncture to support pain management in small animal rehabilitation. Guest Speaker Sarah Bignell-Howse MRCVS, Sarah has a special interest in pain management. Sarah will present 3 webinars on the use of acupuncture as a treatment modality for supporting pain management and its role in complementing the rehabilitation of small animals

What else do I get access to? All of these downloadable resources The Helsinki Pain Score - how to use in practice a guide for therapists. Subjective outcome measures how to use the owners perceived symptoms as measures for change. The webinar slides to keep and recap. Acupuncture for my pet - pet parents fact sheet All of these Mini how to video trainings How to measure thigh circumference to use as a guide to muscle bulk change. Use of bathroom scales for measuring limb weight bearing discrepancies - is it accurate and how practical is it to use in practice? Taping for lymphatic drainage. Product review and discounts From our sponsor showcasing their products and equipment. Plus Access to our community forum to connect with other therapists worldwide!!!

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